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Here´s one you can add to your gallery!:…
Thanks for featuring my Thing vs. Hulk drawing in your gallery!
I really loved the bizarre and kinda fantasy inspired adventures in Thing's solo comic in the 80's, after the Secret Wars. Due to ongoing emotional issues the Thing decided to stay behind on the Beyonder's made from scratch battle world. Because Grimm was the only alien left the planet began to respond to respond to his tortured subconscious. As a kid this kind of Robinson Crusoe meets limitless planet of imagination drove me nuts. God bless ol' Blue Eyes.
Thanks a lot for accepting my submission. Great company to be in!
Thanks for adding my Thing Drawing - appreciate it!
I worked for two months in order to pay for a subscription to MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE. When I got my first issue in the mail, MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE #64, it arrived damaged. It had bent corners, and what was supposed to be the top staple had been mis-punched into the book. It was punched four inches away from the spine--at about the center of the book! Was I mad? Heck no! I pulled that staple out, and dived into the issue with gusto! Thing, Stingray and Triton were saving a Roxxon Oil rig from the Serpent Squad! When the pages finally fell out of this comic, I went to the local library and had them bind it for me. They thought I was nuts, I guess. Since I was 10 years old, they didn't even charge me for the binding. I now have a near-mint copy of that book in my collection. It sits quietly behind my well-read and uber-trashed bound copy that I've had since 1980. What a revoltin' development!